Transcript of “Callista Womick statement following West Roxbury, MA #ClimateTrial Verdict”

Callista Womick
Nov 19, 2020
“Callista Womick statement following West Roxbury, MA #ClimateTrial Verdict” Peter Bowden (Mar 27, 2018) Youtube

“My name is Callista Womick. I live in Dorchester. And my primary motivation was spiritual. We are all part of this planet. It’s an illusion that we’re separate from this. We are all one species on one spherical rock in space, which is easy to forget, you know. You can lose track with all the borders and nationalities and different languages, but we are all one. And what we are putting into the air and the ground right now is poison. We know that it’s poison. It’s poison to us, it’s poison to other things that we share this planet with, and it’s hubristic to think that we can keep poisoning the planet we live on and continue living on it. I don’t know of any other good nearby options and I would rather invest in keeping this place nice, rather than jumping ship. So, it felt unassailably right as part of my spiritual practice and also my duty to my fellow human beings and fellow life forms to do what I did.”

